Escape this bone-chilling, haunted maze. 
Will it send a shiver down your spine?

A 3D submission for the Nokia 3310 Jam 2024.


[ Q ] [ W ] [ E ]      
[ A ] [ S ] [ D ]
      [ X ]
W, A        Forwards, Backwards
A, D        Turn left, Turn right
Q, E        Strafe left, Strafe right
X           Light a fire, or try a key.
Find and open the exit of the maze.
37.5c is a nice cozy temperature to be at.
At 32.0c, you'll really need some warmth.

Credits and Resources

Thanks to Philip and Avis for hosting the Jam!

EffortsPro font by @somepx 
Nokia 3310 Soundfont by @krasno (Used with Sforzando VST Plugin
KenneyNl's 1-bit resources were a huge help and starting-off point for most textures and sprites.
Game built in Unity.


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When it's nearly completely white-out and you stumble across a fire you can light, that's a pretty good feeling!