Narrow your view, eye on the prize. Does the periphery even matter?
We all suffer a bit of tunnel vision, now and then.

A submission to Bullet Hell Jam 5 (2024).


Move with the mouse, speed up and down with the scroll wheel.
Defeat the target to win!
Speeding up narrows the arena and will destroy any projectiles hit by the edge. Use this to your advantage!
You lose if you run 10 seconds behind on target.

Credits and Resources

- Bulletfury (wayfarer games)
- Input prompts pack (kenneynl)
- Sci-fi sounds pack (kenneynl)
- Rubik Mono One font (Hubert & fischer)
- Oswald font (Vernon Adams)

Difficulty ended up a bit higher than intended. For those who really want to clear it, here's a hint:

Hint Each of the 4 phases can essentially be cheesed by correctly timing a full speed down and speed up, wiping almost all projectiles on the board. This is the intended way to beat it :)
You could also stack up enough time in the first phase to brute force the second and third.
Published 26 days ago
TagsBullet Hell


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Holy crap that is hard! I love the speed up and slow down mechanic. Couldn't beat it though lol. Nice hint though.

Cool little bullet hell bossfight game! I like how speeding up and speeding down works as a form of health points (sorta) - very interesting concept.

I managed to get to 101 seconds, second phase is pretty tough haha

Thanks for trying it out :D Kinda rushed the boss behaviour in the last few jam hours whoops

(1 edit)

Cool game! it gets really impossible by the middle of the game, and the losing condition wasnt very clear to me. I got to about 30% hp left of the boss. I would do some more playtesting to balace the boss, cuz it gets really chaotic, idk how to avoid all that. Maybe reduce the shoot rate of the boss or decrease the bullet's speed.

The visuals are cool too. One background music away from being awesome.

Thanks for playing! The boss did end up tougher than expected...