Having run out of content, Connor turns to a once beloved board game to entertain his loyal viewers. Somewhat challenging when also riding a bicycle, however.

A submission for MonkeyJam 2024.

    Made in 72 hours by Ferrohl

Pick up and move objects with the Left Mouse button, and steady the board with the Right Mouse button. + and - on the keyboard to adjust volume.

You can make any word you want, it's just about making the longest one you can! If you like, try getting the achievements!

Credits and Resources:

Everything else homemade and scuffed.

Thanks very much for playing. These short game jams are my favorite because it's a real rush to come up with an idea, stick with it, and try to bring it to life.
This time, I relied on a lot of existing assets, and while I'm happy with the visual consistency of the final product, it does feel a bit lacking in being themed around Connor's community. Lesson learned for next time to put a little more time towards that custom artwork :)

Updated 8 days ago
Published 9 days ago
Tags3D, Board Game, Singleplayer

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